Outbound/Inbound Transportation Sign-up

Reservations are required when Residence Halls are closing.

  • The University provides FREE outbound and inbound shuttle service when the residence halls close to and from Greyhound Bus terminal, Amtrak, Peter Pan/Bonanza Bus Terminal (located In Providence) and TF Green Airport (located in Warwick) and the New London Ferry
  • Reservations are required. Complete the online Outbound and Inbound transportation forms.

Outbound transportation departs from the Main Shuttle Shelter when residence halls are closing

Shuttle drop off order (1) Kennedy Plaza, (2) Amtrak, (3) Greyhound Bus Terminal (4) TF Green.  New London drop off departs main campus at 2PM and is an express service to New London Ferry Terminal.

Inbound Shuttle Transportation pick up order is as follows when there is a school break (usually on the Sunday after the break):

Shuttle pick up order: (1) TF Green, (2) Peter Pan/Bonanza Bus Station, (3) Amtrak, (4) Greyhound Bus terminal. Allow approximately 20 minutes from TF Green to the next pickup and approximately 10 minutes between the other stops. 

When there are no scheduled pickups at a terminal the shuttle does not stop. Inbound transportation for students enrolled in intersession will be available by email to shuttleservice@rwu.edu for scheduled pick only when the Residence Halls open and before the first day of class. Reservations are required for all Inbound and Outbound transportation when there is a university closing.

Thanksgiving Tuesday November 26

Winter Break Wednesday December 18

Spring Break Friday March 7

7:00 AM., 10:00 AM., 1:00 PM., (2:00 PM. New London Only), 6:00 PM.

  • Outbound transportation to public transportation terminals leaves from the main shuttle stop ONLY.

Thanksgiving Sunday December 1

Winter break Monday January 20

Spring Break Sunday March 16

12:00 PM., 3:00 PM., 6:00 PM., New London pick up at 5:00 PM.

Public Transportation Telephone Numbers

RIPTA: 1-800-244-0444
Amtrak: 1-800-872-7245
Bonanza Bus: 1-888-751-8800
Greyhound: 1-800-231-2222
T.F. Green Airport: 401-737-4000

RIPTA Bus Route 60 to and from campus to Providence (Kennedy Plaza)

Route 20 to TF Green Airport from Providence (Kennedy Plaza)
