Transportation Safety

Motorized Vehicle Transportation

All 麻豆色情片 employees and students who fall into the following categories are required to obtain driver authorization from the University:

  • Those who operate motor vehicles and/or golf carts owned or leased by the University
  • Those who rent motor vehicles and/or golf carts owned or leased by the University
  • Those who rent motor vehicles for university-related activities

The Motor Vehicle Policy and Golf Cart Safety Policy contain the requirements and procedures for driver authorization, as well as driver and passenger regulations and safety guidelines and procedures for accidents and roadside assistance.

Program Description

This policy is intended to provide the requirements by which 麻豆色情片 and Roger Williams School of Law employees and students are permitted to safely operate University owned, leased, or rented motor vehicles.

          * Front and back legible photocopy of your driver license
          * Driving Test Completion form (for 9-12 passenger van drivers)
          * Defensive Driving Online Training Certificate (for students) -- Qualtrics training form "Response Summary" (see below for more details)

PLEASE NOTE: It takes approximately two weeks to process a driver authorization request. Missing documents or documents not uploaded correctly will delay the process. Please make sure everything is attached and submitted correctly. Thank you!

View the 麻豆色情片 Motor Vehicle Use Policy

View the Approved Authorized Driver list  (updated weekly) on the Public Safety Motor Vehicle Program web page -- scroll down approximately half-way down the page

Additional Program Information and Links

Requesting Driver Authorization

 All drivers of Motor Vehicles must be authorized by the University prior to operating a motor vehicle

Documents Required for Driver Authorization

Accident Procedure

If an accident occurs with a Motor Vehicle, the following steps should be taken by the driver:

  • If an accident occurs on-campus, do not leave the scene of the accident.  Call the Department of Public Safety at x3333 or (401) 254-3333.
  • If an accident occurs off-campus, do not leave the scene of the accident.  Call 911 or the local police department.  You must request that a police report be taken to document the accident.  Upon the return to campus, notify the Department of Environmental Health & Safety at (401) 254-3494.
  • Contact your supervisor immediately after calling 911 or the Department of Public Safety.
  • Make no statement that would assume any obligation or admit liability.
  • Provide the other party with the insurance information contained in the Motor Vehicle, as well as your name, address, and the telephone number.
  • Accidents involving rented Motor Vehicles must also be reported to the rental agency.

Driver Safety Training Course


All students seeking driver authorization are required to complete the course as part of their authorization process.

  1. Go to the
  2. Complete the online training by filling out the form information fields and watching the video
  3. Electronically sign the form and click the arrow button below to submit your completion
  4. On the "Thank you for your submission" page, click the Download PDF link to download and save your "response summary." Your response summary is the training completion certificate you will need to upload as part of your motor vehicle use application.

Employees are required to complete the hands-on course only if requesting to drive 9-12 passenger vans, but it is recommended that they view the online training. Please note that in regards to the hands-on training: this may be scheduled through the authorizing department.   


If there are any questions regarding the Motor Vehicle Use Policy please contact the Environmental Health and Safety Office at x3494 or visit .

Who must obtain driver authorization? 

Employees (includes faculty and staff) and students of 麻豆色情片 and 麻豆色情片 School of Law who operate motor vehicles owned or leased by the University and employees who rent motor vehicles for University-related activities.  Employees using their personal motor vehicles to conduct University business need not obtain driver authorization.

What are the requirements to obtain driver authorization? 

  • Employees must be at least twenty years old.
  • Students must be at least twenty years old, be enrolled full-time, and have attained sophomore status.
  • Persons who are both employees and students must be at least twenty years old and may be enrolled either part-time or full-time. Full-time employees may be any class year, but part-time employees must have attained sophomore status.
  • Employees and students must be actively licensed to drive in any of the United States or the District of Columbia, and such license must have been valid for a minimum three years. 
  • Students are required to attend the mandatory Defensive Driver Training course offered by the University. Except for full-time employees, persons who are both employees and students are required to attend the course.

I am an employee and I drive motor vehicles that are owned or leased by the University or I rent motor vehicles for University-related activities. What do I have to do to comply with this Policy? 

Complete the 麻豆色情片 Driver Authorization Form and have the head of your department sign the Form. Submit the completed Form to the Department of Public Safety. The Department of Department of Public Safety will obtain a copy of your Motor Vehicle Report from your state department of motor vehicles to ensure that your driving record complies with the guidelines in the Policy. If authorization is granted by the Department of Department of Public Safety, your name will be placed on the Approved Authorized Drivers list, updated weekly on the "Motor Vehicle Program" webpage on the Public Safety website, under the "Transportation" tab.

I am a student and I drive motor vehicles that are owned or leased by the University. What do I have to do to comply with this Policy? 

Complete the 麻豆色情片 Driver Authorization Form and have the head of the department for which you seek authorization sign the Form. Complete the mandatory Defensive Driver Training course and attach the certificate indicating that you have completed the course to the Form.  Submit both documents to the Department of Public Safety. The Department of Department of Public Safety will obtain a copy of your Motor Vehicle Report from your state department of motor vehicles to ensure that your driving record complies with the guidelines in the Policy. If authorization is granted by the Department of Department of Public Safety, your name will be placed on the Approved Authorized Drivers list, updated weekly on the "Motor Vehicle Program" webpage on the Public Safety website, under the "Transportation" tab.

Where can I obtain more information on the mandatory Defensive Driver Training course? 

See on the "Driver Safety Training Course" section below, or contact the Department of Environmental Health & Safety at x3494.

I rent a motor vehicle while I am traveling on University business or attending conferences. Do I have to comply with this Policy? 

Yes. You must complete the and obtain authorization from the Department of EH&S to operate a motor vehicle for these purposes.

I have accidents and/or violations on my motor vehicle record. Can I still drive a motor vehicle owned or leased by the University or rent a motor vehicle for University-related activities? 

Please see the Policy for additional information (Section 4.3)

Does the Policy contain driver and passenger safety guidelines? 

Yes. Please see the Policy for compete details (Section 7.0). Some examples include mandatory seat belt use, bans on smoking and cell phone use, and a prohibition on driving University owned or leased motor vehicles more than three-hundred miles one-way from the Bristol campus.

Can I use my personal motor vehicle to conduct University business? 

Employees may use their personal motor vehicles to conduct University business and will be reimbursed for mileage, subject to the University鈥檚 Travel and Entertainment Policy. This reimbursement is intended to cover the costs to operate an employee鈥檚 motor vehicle, including insurance costs. The University鈥檚 liability insurance, if applicable, is always excess over any personal automobile insurance carried by the employee. The University requires that employees who regularly use their motor vehicles on University business maintain automobile liability insurance with limits of at least $100,000 for bodily injury for each person and $300,000 for bodily injury for each occurrence. Property and collision damage is the sole responsibility of the motor vehicle鈥檚 owner.

Students are permitted to use their personal motor vehicles to conduct University business if they have obtained driver authorization and meet the other requirements of the Policy (Section 6.1)

Employees using their personal motor vehicles to conduct University business need not obtain driver authorization.

What should I do if I am in an accident? 

If the accident occurs on-campus, contact the Department of Public Safety immediately. If the accident occurs off-campus, contact 911 or the local police department so that a police report is prepared. See the Policy for a complete list of what to do in the event of an accident.

Can I operate a motor vehicle owned or leased by the University for personal use? Can I operate a motor vehicle rented for University-related activities for personal use? 

No. Any damages and/or liabilities arising out of the personal use of the motor vehicle are the sole responsibility of the driver. The University will expect the driver鈥檚 personal automobile insurance to respond in the event of an accident or any other event arising out of such personal use. Sanctions may be imposed upon violators including, but not limited to, termination of employment for employees and suspension or expulsion for students.

I have questions about this Policy. Whom can I contact? 

Contact the Department of Public Safety at ext. 3333 or the Department of Environmental Health and Safety at ext.3494.

May a third-party (i.e. someone who is a non-employee or student) operate a Motor Vehicle?

No. The Motor Vehicle Use Policy specifically prohibits third-parties from operating a Motor Vehicle. If there are circumstances where there is a perceived business need for a third-party to operate a Motor Vehicle (e.g., a spouse or volunteer participating in a trip), please contact Rachel Nuzzo in the Office of General Counsel (x 5582; at least thirty (30) days in advance of any such need to discuss possible accommodations.

Operators of golf carts and utility vehicles (Gators, Kubotas, etc.) on the 麻豆色情片 campus must:

  • Possess a valid driver鈥檚 license
  • Sign for receipt of a copy of the Golf Cart Safety Policy and submit signed copy to EHS (online)
  • View the Golf Cart Safety Training Video and submit certificate to EHS (online)

Golf Cart Policy

Golf Cart Online Safety Training

Please take the (includes the training video and the e-signature page).

麻豆色情片 utilizes to request room space; campus members will be able to request a van with ease through a faculty/ staff member.

A detailed step-by-step guide to introduce and explain the new process, from beginning to end, of reserving the campus vans.

Passenger Van Safety

All persons driving a 9-12 passenger van for 麻豆色情片 should be familiar with the handling characteristics of the vans and familiar with the following safety tips:

In addition to the 麻豆色情片 Motor Vehicle Driver Requirements, it is important that vans ONLY be operated by authorized drivers. They should understand and be familiar with the handling characteristics of the vans, especially when fully loaded.

  • Always maintain a safety cushion around the vehicle as you are traveling and drive in the right-hand lane whenever possible
  • When driving conditions are good maintain 4 seconds behind other traffic
  • When driving conditions are bad, maintain at least 6 seconds behind other traffic
  • Remember when entering a rotary you have less visibility and less maneuver ability
  • Adjust mirrors so that you can barely see the edge of the van in the mirror
  • When changing lanes, always check for blind spots by leaning forward in your seat to change your sight angle and then by turning your head
  • Scan mirrors every 3-5 seconds
  • The largest blind spot is directly behind the vehicle
  • Avoid backing whenever possible (e.g. in parking lots always try to use a 鈥減ull through鈥)
  • Slow down and drive cautiously
  • Shoulders, ditches and embankments, as well as on and off ramps, create the potential for vehicle roll over
  • Reduce your speed BELOW the speed limit posted for all turns and poor road conditions
  • Avoid panic steering and hard braking
  • Do not load items on top of the vehicle or tow a trailer
  • Do not overload the vehicle with passengers or equipment
  • Passengers should be distributed evenly from side to side for balance and sit towards the front of the vehicle
  • Be mindful of crosswinds created by open fields, overpasses and bridges as well as exiting tunnels, larger vehicles
  • Avoid backing into traffic
  • Get out and check the area behind the van before backing
  • Turn on four-way flashers and back SLOWLY
  • Have a spotter assist you to back ONLY after they understand what is expected of them
  • Be aware of van passengers walking in front of the vehicle as they board or exit the vehicle

Where do I go to pick up keys?

Key box is located inside the public safety building down by parking garage. The key box is mounted on the wall to the left of the public safety counter window.  

How do I pick up keys?

Sign into the key box (use your university ID to scan into the log in screen.)
For most instances, use the last four digits of your university id# as the password for the login, unless you have been instructed otherwise.
The key box will prompt you to open the door
A key will illuminate red, this is the key to the van you will be using

What do I do if my van says it is unavailable, key is not returned, or not showing as a selectable vehicle to check out?

Contact your supervisor or advisor; or speak with Public Safety officer; please have your confirmation email with you.

How do I return keys?

Sign into the key box (use your university ID to scan into the log in screen.)
For most instances, use the last four digits of your university id# as the password for the login, unless you have been instructed otherwise.
The key box will prompt you to open the door
Return the key into any open slot
Close the door and ensure the key box registered the returned key, then you are all set

Where are the vans parked?

Vans are parked on the ground level of the parking garage next to the ramp that takes you to the second level.

How can I locate my van?

Vans are parked on the lower level of the Parking Garage; vans spaces are marked; vans are numbered at read doors.

How do I fuel a van with a gas card?

When taking out a van, the red card holder should always be attached to the keys, unless taking out a spare key set.
Please ensure before departure that inside the red car holder is a university gas card and a slip of paper with a pin code.   Note that Gas Cards at any Gas Station.
When at pump, first check the mileage on the van, this will be needed shortly.
Insert the Gas Card as prompted by the gas pump.
Depending on pump it may prompt you one of the following in different order
Input driver pin ID, , use the pin ID in the red card wallet
Input vehicle mileage
Select grade of fuel this can be regular gas
Always have the receipt printed 鈥 the receipt will be returned to a small folder inside the key box upon return
If there is no card in the red envelope, you may use your personal card but ensure you collect the receipt so that the university can refund you.
It is best to take a photo of the receipt just in case the physical receipt is ever lost.

How do I report damage / mechanical issues?

Complete the Van Information Log when you return to campus
If you notice damage/mechanical issues and you don鈥檛 feel comfortable driving the van; please see Public Safety

What do I do if I get into an accident off campus?

Remain calm and call 911
Do not leave the scene of the accident
Make no statement that would assume any obligation or liability
You MUST request that a police report be taken to document the accident
Contact your supervisor immediately and Public Safety at (401) 254-3333; you will need to complete to have Public Safety complete a report when you return to campus and note this on your Van Information Log

What if the key fob doesn鈥檛 work?

If the key fob isn鈥檛 working the physical key can still be used to unlock the van.
Some vehicles car alarm may sound when unlocking the van, if this is the case the vehicle will need to be started before the alarm may turn off (this is so the vehicle ensures itself it鈥檚 not being stolen)
If needed, you can get a replacement fob battery, but keep the receipt so you can be reimbursed for the battery.

The use of bicycles, roller blades/skates, skateboards, non-motorized scooters and other non-motorized recreational transportation equipment on campus is permitted for responsible recreation and transportation purposes, provided that the operators of such equipment exercise necessary caution for personal and pedestrian safety. 

The purpose of the following guidelines is to help maintain a safe environment and the well-being of pedestrians as well as the operators of non-motorized recreational transportation equipment on the 麻豆色情片 campus.

Permissible and Non-Permissible Operation of Bicycles, Roller Blades/Skates, Skateboards, Non-Motorized Scooters & Other Non-Motorized Recreational Transportation Equipment on Campus

Operators of bicycles, roller blades/skates, skateboards, non-motorized scooters and other non-motorized recreational transportation equipment shall:

  • Ride only according to the equipment manufacturer鈥檚 specifications.
  • Adhere and comply with all traffic control devices, including posted signs that may prohibit riding in any designated area.
  • Always yield the right-of-way to pedestrians.
  • Dismount and carry the recreational transportation equipment across crosswalks, busy intersections and high traffic areas.
  • Avoid speed bumps or raised roadway surfaces.
  • Be mindful of possible debris on roadway surfaces, such as sand.
  • Operate in a reasonable and controlled manner while exercising due care and caution to prevent injury to themselves, others or property.

Operators of bicycles, roller blades/skates, skateboards, non-motorized scooters and other non-motorized recreational transportation equipment shallnot:

  • Perform any forms of stunting.
  • Put any pedestrian, motor vehicle operator or other operator of any recreational transportation equipment at risk.
  • Ride upon any stairwell, wall, bench, railing, table, fountain or other structure/facility.
  • Ride on or over landscaping, shrubbery, grass or flower beds.
  • Exceed a reasonable and prudent speed.
  • Attach and/or secure the bicycle, roller blades/skates, skateboards, non-motorized scooter or other non-motorized recreational transportation equipment to a moving vehicle, golf cart or gator.
  • Leave bicycles, roller blades/skates, skateboards, non-motorized scooters or other non-motorized recreational transportation equipment unattended on or at any ramp, entrance, other facility or parking area such that the free and clear use of these facilities is obstructed.

It is highly recommended that operators of bicycles, roller blades/skates, skateboards, non-motorized scooters or other non-motorized recreational equipment wear personal protective gear suggested by the manufacturer (e.g., helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, etc.).

Note: Campus use of motorized vehicles and recreational transportation equipment (other than those required to be DMV-registered) requires approval by the Departments of Public Safety and Environmental Health & Safety before any such use begins.

麻豆色情片- Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drone) Use Policy Statement 

The operation of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) including drones and model aircraft is regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and relevant state law. 麻豆色情片 (the University) has established procedures required to ensure compliance with those legal obligations and to reduce risks to safety, security and privacy presented by such operation. Reasoning The operation of UAS requires compliance with FAA requirements, state law, and any other locally applicable laws or regulations regarding unmanned aircraft systems. Additionally, inherent risks in the operation of such equipment require proper oversight and authority, necessary safety practices and additional insurance protections. 

  1. With respect to the operation of UAS, all members of the University community are personally responsible for complying with FAA regulations, state and federal laws, and University policies. 
  2. Any University faculty, student or staff wishing to operate UAS as part of a University sanctioned student activity or as part of a University program must first: a. contact the Department of Environmental Health and Safety for coordination and approval, and b. operate under the August 29, 2016 revision of FAA rules (Part 107).
Recreational/Hobbyist Rules 

While not employed by the University, students may fly UAS strictly for personal hobby use, provided that they strictly adhere to the following: 

  1. Cannot be paid for flying, for images, or for data from flight; 
  2. Flight and data cannot be used for any commercial or business purpose: 
    1. must operate UAS within Community of Interest-based guidelines (Academy of Model Aeronautics, others) (see Appendix A or ), and
    2. cannot fly for benefit of a government agency; 
  3. Must operate UAS below 400 ft. above ground level; 
  4. Must operate UAS only during the daytime and within line of sight of operator; 
  5. UAS must be under 55lbs.; 
  6. UAS must not be operated near people, residence halls, bridges or manned aircraft, e.g., on 麻豆色情片's Bristol campus, flight is restricted to lower fields when not occupied by people (see Appendix B); 
  7. UAS use is prohibited in and around the Providence campus as it is designated as restricted E-2 airspace; and 
  8. Any third party or hobbyist other than a University student wishing to use a UAS or model aircraft over University property must first receive approval through the Department of Environmental Health and Safety. Third parties seeking to use UAS must also provide proof of FAA approval including a 333 Exemption. In addition, operation of a UAS by a third party or hobbyist over University property must be governed by a contract which holds the University harmless from any resulting claims or harm to individuals and damage to University property and provides insurance as required by the University's Office of General Counsel. 
  9. Must not operate UAS negligently, carelessly or recklessly. 
麻豆色情片 UAS Utilization 
  1. Any University employee, student, or division purchasing a UAS (or the parts to assemble a UAS) or UAS services with University funds or with funds being disbursed through a University account, or with grant funds, must first contact the Department of Environmental Health and Safety in order to assess the University's ability to: 
    1. obtain necessary FAA exemption, 
    2. comply with all FAA requirements, and 
    3. meet all local and state law requirements. 
  2. Effective August 29, 2016, all UAS utilization must comply with
  3. In operating a UAS for purposes of recording or transmitting visual images, operators must take all reasonable measures to avoid operating the UAS in violation of areas normally considered private. All operations must comply with local, state and federal privacy laws. Federally-funded agencies must collect, use, retain and disseminate UAS information consistent with Constitution, federal law and Privacy, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (P/CRCL). 
  4. Use of UAS must comply with all other applicable University policies. 
  5. UAS may be used to conduct demonstrations at schools or other community sponsored events provided the person operating the aircraft is (1) not compensated, or (2) any compensation received is neither directly nor incidentally related to that person's operation of the aircraft at such events. 
  6. Students that operate model aircraft in connection with fulfilling an accredited educational institution's curricula lawfully may conduct model aircraft operations for hobby and recreational purposes pursuant to section 336 of the FMRA, provided they do not receive compensation, directly or incidentally, arising from or related to such operations. Faculty at these educational institutions teaching such curricula may assist students with their model aircraft operations under section 336, provided that the operations are used to teach such curricula to students enrolled in those courses and the faculty member's participation is limited to de minimis participation in the student's UAS operations. We emphasize that these operations must be conducted under the provisions of section 336. 
  7. The FAA emphasizes that faculty members who wish to operate UAS outside of these parameters must seek authorization though one of the three methods discussed above. We also note that this interpretation was drafted prior to issuance of the final rule for Operation and Certification of Small UAS Rule and this interpretation may need to be revisited depending on its provisions. See 80 Fed. Reg. 9544 (Feb. 23, 2015) (Notice of Proposed Rulemaking). 
Appropriate and Prohibited Uses of UAS 
  1. UAS shall not be used to monitor or record areas where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy in accordance with accepted social norms. These areas include, but are not limited to, restrooms, locker rooms, individual residential rooms, changing or dressing rooms, health treatment rooms, offices, etc. 
  2. AS shall not be used to monitor or record residential hallways, residential lounges, or the interiors of campus buildings. 
  3. UAS shall not be used to monitor or record sensitive institutional or personal information that may be found, for example, on an individual's workspace, on computers or other electronic displays. Definitions University Property - Buildings, grounds, and land that are owned by the University or controlled by the University via leases or other formal contractual arrangements to house ongoing University operations. 
333 Exemption 

FAA exemption based on Section 333 of the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 (FMRA) which grants the Secretary of Transportation the authority to determine whether an airworthiness certificate is required for a UAS to operate safely in the National Airspace System. Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) - UAS are also known as or may be characterized as "drones". According to the FAA, a UAS includes the unmanned aircraft and all of the associated support equipment, control station, data links, telemetry, communications and navigation equipment, etc., necessary to operate the unmanned aircraft. UAS may have a variety of names including quadcopter, quadrotor, etc. FAA regulations apply to UAS regardless of size or weight. Model aircraft are not considered by the FAA as UAS and are governed by different regulations. Model Aircraft - The FAA governs model aircraft separately from UAS and under different regulations. Model aircraft may not be operated at the University for business purposes, only for hobby and recreational use. (Use of UAS related to the University does not qualify as model aircraft operation.) Model aircraft must be kept within visual sightline of the operator and should weigh under 55 pounds unless pre-certified by an aero-modeling community-based organization. Model aircraft must be flown a sufficient distance from populated areas. Sanctions Any violations of this policy will be addressed in accordance with applicable University policies and procedures. Legal prohibitions regarding presence on campus/trespassing will be enforced, and other legal action also may be pursued against individuals who operate UAS in violation of this policy. Fees, fines, costs or other damages incurred by individuals or institutional divisions that arise from non-compliance with this policy are the sole and personal responsibility of those individuals involved and will not be paid by the University.