The Registrar's Office protects your academic record in compliance with the Federal Family and Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Learn about directory information disclosure and your rights regarding your record.

Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

麻豆色情片 complies with the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 which affords eligible students certain rights with respect to their education records. An 鈥渆ligible student鈥 under FERPA is a student who is 18 years of age or older or who attends a postsecondary institution. FERPA regulates a wide range of privacy-related activities, including:

  • Management of student鈥檚 education records maintained by 麻豆色情片.
  • Management of who has access to student education records.
  • Management of for which purposes access to student records is granted.

FERPA also:

  • Permits 麻豆色情片 to release limited directory information without a student's consent.
  • Guarantees students access to their education records.
  • Allows students to restrict access to their education records.

For additional information regarding access to education records, please contact the Registrar鈥檚 Office.

To learn more about FERPA, please visit the .

麻豆色情片 complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), which governs access and release of information from student education records. This statute, in part:

  • Permits students to inspect their education records upon written request.
  • Provides students the opportunity to request amendment to such records as inaccurate or misleading by writing to the official responsible for the record, identifying the part of the record requested to be changed, and specifying why it is inaccurate or misleading.
  • Requires student written consent prior to disclosure of non-directory information such as grades and class schedules to persons outside of 麻豆色情片 (including parents, unless proof of financial dependency has been established).
  • Under FERPA, institutions may disclose information about a student without the student鈥檚 prior consent if the information has designated as 鈥Directory Information鈥.
    • Other information is designated as restricted. In most cases, such information will not be released to a third party without written release from the student specifying which records are to be released, and to whom. 
    • Requests to limit disclosure of directory information (and to rescind previously filed requests to limit disclosure) must be filed in the Office of the Registrar.

The complete 麻豆色情片 policy on access to and release of student information is available in the Office of the Registrar.

Directory information is considered to be public information unless a student provides a written request that it be kept confidential. Directory Information includes:

  • Student's name
  • Local Telephone Number
  • Honors and Awards Received
  • Dates and/or Verification of Attendance
  • Participation in Officially Recognized Activities and Sports
  • Weight and Height of Members of Athletic Teams
  • Most Recent Previous Educational Institution Attended
  • Local Address
  • Classification
  • Photograph
  • E-mail Address
  • Expected Date of Graduation
  • Degree Program
  • Major Area of Study
  • Enrollment Status

Non-directory information is personally identifiable information contained in a student鈥檚 education record that is not specifically listed as directory information. 麻豆色情片 will not release non-directory information from a student鈥檚 education record in the absence of the student鈥檚 written permission.

Under FERPA, however, prior student consent is not required for disclosure of education records to certain individuals and entities, including, but not limited to, school officials who have been determined to have a legitimate educational interest and who need to review an education record in order to fulfill their professional responsibility (including contractors, consultants, volunteers or other parties to whom the school has outsourced institutional functions or services); officials of another school where the student seeks or intends to enroll or where the student is already enrolled if the disclosures are related to the student鈥檚 enrollment or transfer; authorized representatives of U.S. Comptroller General, the U.S. Attorney General, the U.S. Secretary of Education, or state and local educational authorities; in connection with financial aid for which the student has applied or which the student has received; to accrediting organizations; to parents of an eligible student if the student is a dependent for IRS tax purposes; to comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena; and to appropriate officials in connection with a health and safety emergency, among others. Exceptions are noted in 麻豆色情片鈥檚 annual notification of FERPA rights.

Examples of private information include, but are not limited to:

  • Social Security number
  • Grades
  • Hours completed
  • Grade point average (GPA)
  • Current class schedule
  • Parent name and address
  • Race/Ethnicity
  • Gender
  • Country of citizenship
  • Religious affiliation
  • Disciplinary status
  • Marital status
  • Test scores (e.g., SAT, GRE, etc.)

To file a complaint regarding your FERPA rights, you may contact the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20202.

When do the student FERPA rights begin?

According to FERPA, a person becomes a student for purposes of FERPA when they are "in attendance" at an institution. In attendance means a student is officially registered for at least one class and that class has started.

What is a Student?

One who is, or has been, officially registered, and who attends, or has attended, classes at 麻豆色情片 regardless of their age or status in regard to parental dependency. Deceased students do not come under FERPA guidelines.

What is Personally Identifiable Information?

A student鈥檚 name, the name of the student鈥檚 parent or other family member, the address of the student or the student鈥檚 family, or other information that would allow the student to be identified.

How are requests for the education records of deceased students handled?

麻豆色情片鈥檚 policy does not allow for the release of a deceased student鈥檚 records. Written requests for exceptions must be submitted to the University Registrar.

Can I call University officials to find out how my child is doing?

Students have primary responsibility for keeping parents informed about their progress at 麻豆色情片. This policy reflects the University鈥檚 view that students should be treated as responsible adults and that our practices should promote each student鈥檚 growth and independence.

What if my child is a minor?

Roger William鈥檚 University policy regarding communication with parents applies equally to students who are minors. Rights under FERPA transfer to the student, regardless of age, upon his or her matriculation into an undergraduate program at a college or university.

What if my child has not provided Consent to Disclosure?

If the student has not provided Consent to Disclosure, we will not communicate with parents about the topics above. If you would like to receive such communications, please ask your son or daughter to provide consent. Students have the ability to submit a FERPA waiver for individuals through Roger Central. This can be found by selecting "Academics" from the side menu and then selecting "FERPA Waiver."

My child is a minor and is taking classes at 麻豆色情片 while still in high school 鈥 do I have rights?

If a student is attending a postsecondary institution 鈥 at any age 鈥 the rights under FERPA have transferred to the student. However, in a situation where a student is enrolled in both a high school and a postsecondary institution, the two schools may exchange information about that student. If the student is under 18, the parents still retain the rights under FERPA at the high school and may inspect and review any records sent by the postsecondary institution to the high school.

May a postsecondary institution disclose to a parent, without the student鈥檚 consent, information regarding a student鈥檚 violation of the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance?

Yes, if the student is under the age of 21 at the time of the disclosure. FERPA was amended in 1998 to allow such disclosures. See 搂 99.31(a)(15) of the FERPA regulations. Also, if the student is a 鈥渄ependent student鈥 as defined in FERPA, the institution may disclosure such information, regardless of the age of the student.

The local police, FBI, or a representative of a government agency call requesting a student's class schedule. Can they obtain that information?

Class schedules are not directory information and may not be released. FERPA restrictions apply equally to law enforcement officials. Do not release the class schedule; refer the caller to the Registrar's Office.

The FBI or a representative from another federal agency informs 麻豆色情片 that they need information about a student under the new anti-terrorism legislation. Can they obtain that information?

The USA PATRIOT Act (2001) and other legislation specify guidelines for release of information. Refer all such inquiries to the Registrar's Office so that we can ensure appropriate compliance.

Questions related to FERPA should be directed to the Office of the Registrar.

Administration Building
One Old Ferry Road
Bristol, RI 02809-2921
Phone: (401) 254-3510
Fax: (401) 254-3363
E-mail: registrar@rwu.edu

To learn more information on FERPA, please visit: