Need help with your research paper?

It's the end of the semester--crunch time. The time of year that can make even the best student break into a cold sweat. And yes, you've done it again, waited until the last minute to start your research paper. You're in meltdown mode trying to figure out how you're going to get your research done, write a paper, and still study for final exams.
Don't panic! We can help.
The university's librarians have created nearly 200 to help you get started on your research. are webpages created by librarians that contain information about particular topics. Easily located on the library website, our uides are arranged alphabetically by subject and are designed to save you time.
Many of our are subject specific and tailored for ; others focus on general topics, such as or . Each guide contains curated links to a variety of databases, ejournals, media, and other recommended resources.
If you can't find a LibGuide on your topic, or if you want personal assistance, contact us. Librarians are trained information specialists, and we're here to help you succeed!
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