麻豆色情片 Authors Collection

The 麻豆色情片 Authors Collection features books and media by full and part-time members of the 麻豆色情片 community.  If you have written, produced or edited books or media that have not yet been included in this collection, please send the bibliographic citations for the works to Mary Wu at mwu@rwu.edu. One copy is held in the 麻豆色情片 Authors Collection located in the Archives and the second copy is held in one of the circulating collections. 

For sharing information on articles, essays or book chapters you have published contact Mary Wu at mwu@rwu.edu for inclusion in the digital repository, . 

麻豆色情片 Authors

Audet, Richard H.
/ [principal investigators Fenna Hanes, Lance Stewart, Ann Whitney ... authors Richard Audet, Dale F. Leavitt [et. al.]]
Boston : New England Board of Higher Education, c2002
Achives SH153.5 N55 E9 2002 

Book cover GIS in Schools

 Audet, Richard H.
/ Richard Audet and Gail LudWig 
Redlands, Calif.: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc., 2000.
Archives G70.2 .A92 2000 

Book Cover Integrating Inquiry Across the Curriculum

Audet, Richard H.
/ Edited by Richard H. Audet, Linda K. Jordan
Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin Press, c2005.
Archives LB1027.23 .I58 2005 

Book Cover Standards in the Classroom : An Implementation Guide For Teachers of Science and Mathematics

Audet, Richard H. 
/ Richard H. Audet, Linda K. Jordan
Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin Press, c2003
Archives Q183.3.A1 A83 2003 

Book Cover A Reliquary For William Blake

 Ayton, Will
/ [Sound Recording] / Music by Will Ayton.
Newtown, CT : MSR Classics, 鈩2007.
Archives CD 1731 

Book Cover Teapots, Buttons, Memi And Me

Bauer, Lisa Rose
e /Lisa Rose Bauer.
North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014.
Archives PS3602 A839 T32 2014   

Braver, Adam
/ Adam Braver, Susan Tacent.
Bristol, RI: Rogers Free Library, 2017.
Archives F89 .B8 B74 2017

Book Cover Crows Over the Wheatfield

Braver, Adam
/ Adam Braver.
New York : William Morrow, c2006.
Archives PS3602.R39 C76 2006 

Book Cover The Disappeared: A Novel

 Braver, Adam
/ Adam Braver
San Francisco : Outpost 19, 2017
Archives PS3602.R39 D57 2017  

Book Cover Divine Sarah

Braver, Adam
/ Adam Braver.
[S.I.]: William Morrow, c2005.
Archives PS3602.R39 D57 2005 

Book covJewher Ilham: A Uyghur Daughter's Fight to Free Her Fatheer

 Braver, Adam
/ Edited by Adam Braver and Ashley Barton;  Interviews conducted by Adam Braver, Ashley Barton, and Molly Gessford. 
New Orleans : University of New Orleans Press, 2015.
Archives DS731.U4 I54 2015 

Book cover The Madrid Conversations: Normando Hernando Gonzalez: Persecuted, Imprisoned, Exiled

 Braver, Adam
/ Normando Hernandez Gonzalez; Edited by Adam Braver and Molly Gessford; Translated by Cynthia Guardado. 
New Orleans: Uno Press, 2012.
Archives HV9557.5 G66 2012 

Book cover Misfit: A Novel

 Braver, Adam
Portland, OR : Tin House Books ; Berkeley, CA : Distributed to the trade by Publishers Group West, 2012
Archives PS3602.R39 M57 2012   

Braver, Adam

Normando Hernandez Gonzalez (Narrator), (Editor)(Editor)(Translator)
New Orleans : University of New Orleans Press, 2012
ARCHIVES F1760 .G65 2012

Book cover Nov. 22, 1963

Braver, Adam
/ Adam Braver.
Portland, OR: Tin House Books, 2008.
Archives PS3602.R39 N68 2008

Book cover Mr. Lincoln's War

Braver, Adam
/ Adam Braver.
New York : William Morrow, c2003.
Archives PS3602.R39 M7 2003 

Book Cover Rejoice the Head of Paul McCartney

Braver, Adam
/  Adam Braver.
New Orleans, Louisiana : University of New Orleans Press, [2022]
Archives PS3602.R39 R45 2022 

Book Cover We Are Syrians

 Braver, Adam
/ EDITED BY Adam Braver and Abby Deveuve
New Orleans: University of New Orleans Press, 2017
Archives PS3602.R39 W4 2017   

Brigidi, Stephan
/ Photographs and Writings by Stephen Brigidi: Essays by Senator John Chafee [and others].
Bristol, R.I. : Bristol Workshops in Photography, 1996.
Archives TR680 B736 1996 

Book cover Afraid of the Dark: A Venetian Story

Brigidi, Stephan
/ Stephen Brigidi.
Redding, CA: BVT Publishing, 2015.
Archives DG975 S2 B74 2015

Book cover Mathematical Works Printed in the Americas

Burdick, Bruce Stanley 
/ Bruce Stanley Burdick.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009.
Archives QA33 .B87 2009

Book Cover Buildings of Virginia: Tidewater and Piedmont

Butler, Sara 
/ Edited by Richard Guy Wilson/with contributions by Sara Butler...[Et. al.]
New York : Oxford University Press, 2002.
Archives NA730.V8 B85 2002

Book cover University of Virginia

Butler, Sara 
/ Edited by Richard Guy Wilson and Sara Butler; Photographs by Walter Smalling Jr.
New York : Princeton Architectural Press. 1999.
Archives LD5679 W55 1998 

Byrne, Loren
/ Loren B. Byrne, editor.
New York: Springer Verlag, 2016.
Archives LB1027.23 L43 2016


Book Cover Conjuring Property

 Campbell, Jeremy M.
/ Jeremy M. Campbell.
Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2015
Archives HD499 .A44 C36 2015

Book cover Educational Foundations: an anthology of critical readings

Canestrari, Alan S. & Marlowe, Bruce A.
/ Edited by Alan s. Canestrari,  Bruce A. Marlowe.
Thousand Oaks, California : SA

Book cover Educational Psychology in Context: Readings for Future Teachers

Canestrari, Alan S. & Marlowe, Bruce A.
/ Edited by Alan s. Canestrari,  Bruce A. Marlowe.
Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage Publications, c2006.
Archives LB1051 .E3625 2006

Book Cover Using WebQuests in the Social Studies Classroom: a culturally responsive approach

Canestrari, Alan S. & Thombs, Margaret M.
/ Margaret M. Thombs, Maureen M. Gillis, Alan S. Canestrari.
Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin Press, c2009.
Archives H62.3 .T46 2009 

The Wiley International Handbook of Educational Foundations

Canestrari, Alan S. & Marlowe, Bruce A.
/ Edited by Alan S. Canetrari and Bruce A. Marlowe.
Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell, 2018.
Archives LC196 .W558 2018

Carranza, Luis 
/ BY Luis Carranza; Foreward by Jorge Francisco Liernur.
Austin: University of Texas Press, c2010.
Archives NA2543 S6 C35 2010 

Book Cover Modern Architecture in Latin America

 Carranza, Luis 
 / By Luis Carranza and Fernando Luiz Lara ; foreword by JORGE FRANCISCO LIERNUR
Austin: University of Texas Press, c2014.
Archives NA702.5 .C37 2014 

Book cover: (Radical) Functionalism in Latin America

Carranza, Luis
/ Edited by Luis Carranza
New York : Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, c2014
Archives NA702.5 .R34 2019

Book cover Fantomina and Other Works

Case, Margaret 
/ Eliza Haywood; Edited by Alexander Pettit, Margaret Case Croskery, and Anna C. Patchias.
Peterborough, Ont. ; Orchard Park, NY : Broadview Press, c2004.
Archives PR3506.H94 A6 2004   

Clark, Geoffrey
/ by Rhode Island Writers ; Edited by Geoffrey Clark.
Bristol, R.I.: Ampersand Press, c1990, (1991 printing).
Archives PS548.R4 H69 1990   

Clark, Geoffrey
/ Geoffrey Clark.
Chicago, Ill. : Story Press, c1988.
Archives PS3553.L284 R84 1988   

Clark, Geoffrey
/ Geoffrey Clark.
Santa Maria [Calif.]: Asylum Arts, 1993.
Archives PS3553.L284 S36 1993   

Clark, Geoffrey
/ Geoffrey Clark. 
Chicago, Ill.: Story Press, c1983.
Archives PS3553.L284 W4 1983   

Clark, Geoffrey
/ Robert Crotty, Robert L. McRoberts and Geoffrey Clark.
Menlo Park, Calif., Cummings Pub. Co. [1971].
Archives PN81 .C8x.

Reviews and More

Coon, Julie Kiernan
/ Julie Kiernan Coon.
New York: LFB Scholarly Pub. LLC, 2007.
Archives LB2866 .C67 2007 

Vigilante Feminists and Agents of Destiny Book Cover

D'Amore, Laura Mattoon
/ Laura Matoon D'Amore.
Lanham, Maryland : Lexington Books, an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., 2021
Archives PN1009.5 .S77 D36 2021

Book cover Smart Chicks on Screen

 D'Amore, Laura Mattoon 
/ Laura Matoon D'Amore.
Lanham: Roman & Littlefield, 2014.
Archives PN1995.9 W6 S63 2014 

Book Cover: We are What we Remember

D'Amore, Laura Mattoon & Meriwether, Jeffrey Lee
/ edited by Jeffrey Lee Meriwether and Laura Matoon D'Amore. 
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012
Archives E179 W437 2012 

Book cover The Acrobat

Delaney, Edward J.
/ Edward J. Delaney
Brooklyn, New York : Turtle Point Press, [2022]
Archives PN2287.G675 A64 2022

Book cover The Drowning and Other Stories

Delaney, Edward J.
/ By Edward J. Delaney.
Pittsburgh: Carnegie Mellon University Press, 1999.
Archives PS3554.E1125 D76 1999   

Delaney, Edward J.
/  Directed by Edward J. Delaney.
Bristol, RI: Backspace Productions, 2010.
ARCHVES PN1009.A1 L527 2010   

Delaney, Edward J.
/ Directed by Edward J. Delaney.
Archives PS3554.U265 Z465 2009

Book cover Warp & Weft

Delaney, Edward J.
/ Edward J. Delaney.
Sag Harbor, NY: Permanent Press, c2003.
Archives PS3554.E436 W37 2003

Book cover The Perversion of Youth

DiCataldo, Frank C.
/ Frank C. Dicataldo.
New York : New York University Press, c2009.
Archives HV9067.S48 D53 2009 

Book Cover Assyrians of Eastern Massachusetts

 Donabed, Sargon
/ Sargon Donabed and Ninos Donabed. 
Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia, 2006.
Archives F73.9.A8 D66 2006 

The Assyrian heritage : threads of continuity and influence

Donabed, Sargon
/edited by O虉nver A. Cetrez, Sargon G. Donabed, and Aryo Makko.
Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet, 2012.
Archives DS71 A77 2012 

Book Cover Decentering discussions on religion and state : emerging narratives, challenging perspectives

Donabed, Sargon
/ edited by Sargon George Donabed. and Autumn Quezada-Grant.
Lanham, Maryland : Lexington Books, 2015
Archives BL65.S8 D43 2015 

Book cover Reforging a Forgotten History

 Donabed, Sargon
/ Sargon G. Donabed.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2015.
Archives DS70.8 A89 R25 2015 

Book cover Religion and the State

Donabed, Sargon, and Joshua B. Stein
/ Edited by Joshua B. Stein and Sargon G. Donabed.
Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2012.
Archives BR735 .R443 2012

Book cover Research on urban teacher learning : examining contextual factors over time

 Donnell, Kelly A.
/ edited by Andrea J. Stairs and Kelly A. Donnell.
Charlotte, N.C.: IAP-Information Age, Inc., c2010.
Archives LC5119.8 R47 2010 

Book Cover Urban Teaching in America

 Donnell, Kelly A.
/ Andrea J. Stairs, Kelly A. Donnell, Alyssa Hadley Dunn.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc., c2012.
Archives LC5119.8 S83 2012   

Emans, Denielle

/Denielle Emans.
Zayed University, Dubai : International Printing Press, 2013.
Archives PZ7.1 .E52 D6 2013 

Book Cover Intercultural collaboration by design : drawing from differences, distances, and disciplines through visual thinking

Emans, Denielle
/ Kelly M. Murdoch-Kitt and Denielle J. Emans
Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2020
Archives HF5549.5.M5 M87 2020

Book cover Academic identity : place, race, and gender in academia, or is it really all academic?

Engvall, Robert P. 
/ Robert Engvall.
Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press, c2003.
Archives LB2361.5 .E64 2003

Book coverAll that appears isn't necessarily so : morality, virtue, politics, and education

Engvall, Robert P.
/ Robert Engvall.
San Francisco, Calif.: Caddo Gap Press, c1998.
Archives LC89 .E54 1998

Book cover Corporatization of higher education : the move for greater standardized assessment programs

Engvall, Robert P. 
/ Robert Engvall.
Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press, c2010.
Archives LB2822.75 E64 2010 

Book cover Inside the faculty union : labor relations in the university setting

Engvall, Robert P.
/ Robert Engvall.
Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, c2018.
Archives LB2341 .E53 2018

Engvall, Robert P.
/ Robert Engvall.
Lanham: University Press of America, c1997.
Archives LB1775.2 .E54 1997   

Engvall, Robert P.
/ Edited by Robert Engvall and Jessica Skolnikoff.
Lanham, Maryland : Lexington Books, [2019]
Archives LC203 .R47 2019 

Book cover Young athletes, couch potatoes, and helicopter parents : the productivity of play

 Engvall, Robert P.
/ Robert Engvall and Jessica Skolnikoff.
Lanham: Rowman& Littlefield, 2014.
Archives GV709.2 S495 2014 

Book cover Measuring the evolution controversy : a numerical analysis of acceptance of evolution at America's colleges and universities

Espinosa, Avelina
/ Guillermo Paz-y-Min虄o-C and Avelina Espinosa.
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016.
Archives QH366.2 .P39 2016 

Book cover Kin recognition in protists and other microbes : genetics, evolution, behavior and health

Espinosa, Avelina
/ Guillermo Paz-y-Min虄o-C and Avelina Espinosa.
Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018.
Archives QR60 .P39 2018 c.2 

Book cover Aalto and America

 Fenske, Gail
/ edited by Stanford Anderson, Gail Fenske, and David Fixler.
New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2012.
ARCHIVES NA1455 .F53 A23 2012 c.2

Book cover The skyscraper and the city : the Woolworth Building and the making of modern New York

Fenske, Gail
/ Gail Fenske.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008.
Archives NA6233.N5 W664 2008.

Book cover Romance with voluptuousness : Caribbean women and thick bodies in the United States

Gentles-Peart, Kamille
/ Kamille Gentles-Peart 
Lincoln; London: University of Nebraska Press, 2015
Archives HQ1501 .G467 2016

Book Cover Beginnings and Endings

Gillespie, David
David G. Gillespie
[Aurora, IL] : Cozy Cat Press, 2022
Archives PS3607 .I54 B43 2022

Book cover Ominous outcomes : a Matthew Diggerson mystery

Gillespie, David
 / David G. Gillespie
[Aurora, IL] : Cozy Cat Press, 2020
Archives PS3607 .I54 O44 2020

Book cover The dart of persuasion : a Matthew Diggerson mystery

 Gillespie, David
/ David G. Gillespie
[Aurora, IL] : Cozy Cat Press, [2019]
Archives PS3607.I54 D37 2019

Book cover Marked for murder : a Matthew Diggerson mystery

 Gillespie, David
/ David G. Gillespie
[Aurora, IL] : Cozy Cat Press, 2018
Archives PS3607 .I54 M37 2018

Book cover Planning to die : a Matthew Diggerson mystery

 Gillespie, David
/ David G. Gillespie
[Aurora, IL] : Cozy Cat Press, 2017
ARCHIVES PS3607 .I54 P52 2017

Book cover Rules to Die By: a Matthew Diggerson Mystery

 Gillespie, David
/ David G. Gillespie
[Aurora, IL] : Cozy Cat Press, 2017
Archives PS3607.I54 R84 2017

Gizzi, Michael
/ Michael Gizzi.
Providence: Burning Deck, 1979.
Archives PS3557.I9 A96 1979

Gizzi, Michael
/ edited by William Corbett, Michael Gizzi, Joseph Torra.
New York: Granary Books; Boston: Pressed Wafer, 2000.
Archives PS615 B565 2000 

Gizzi, Michael 
/ Milli Graffi ; translated from the Italian by Michael Gizzi and Giuliana Chamedes.
Providence, R.I.: Burning Deck, 2002.
Archives PQ4867 R34 E4 2002   

Gizzi, Michael
/ Michael Gizzi.
Providence, [R.I.]: Paradigm Press, c1991.
Archives PS3557.I9 G96 1991   

Gizzi, Michael
/ Clark Coolidge, Michael Gizzi, John Yau ; with photographs by Bill Barrette, Celia Coolidge.
West Stockbridge, MA: Hard Press, 1993.
Archives PS3521.E735 Z623 1993

Book Cover My Terza Rima

Gizzi, Michael
/ Michael Gizzi.
Great Barrington, MA: The Figures, 2001.
Archives PS3557.I9 M9 2001

Reviews and More

Gizzi, Michael
/ Michael Gizzi.
Providence: Burning Deck, c2009.
Archives PS3557.I9 N48 2009

Reviews and More

Gizzi, Michael
/ Michael Gizzi.
West Stockbridge, MA : Hard Press/The Figures, 1997.
Archives PS3557.I9 N6 1997   

Gizzi, Michael
/ Michael Gizzi.
Providence: Burning Deck, c1983.
Archives PS3557.I9 S6 1983 

Book cover Anthropology of Addiction and Recovery

 Glasser, Irene
/ Irene Glasser
Long Grove, Ill. : Waveland Press, 2012.
Archives HV4998 G59 2012

Book Cover Braving the street : the anthropology of homelessness

Glasser, Irene
/ Irene Glasser
New York : Berghahn Books, 1999.
Archives HV4505 G53 1999

Glasser, Irene
/ Irene Glasser
New York : G.K. Hall, 1994
Archives HV4493 G53 1994.

Book cover More than bread : ethnography of a soup kitchen

Glasser, Irene
/ Irene Glasser
University of Alabama Press, 1988.
Archives HV696 S6 G42 1988

Reviews and More

Gould, Frederick E.
/ Frederick E. Gould, Nancy E. Joyce.
Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall, c2009.
Archives TH438 .G62497 2009

Book Cover Managing the construction process : estimating, scheduling, and project control

Gould, Frederick E.
/ Frederick E. Gould.
Boston/Prentice Hall, 2012.
Archives TH438 .G68 2012 

Book cover Hydrology & hydraulic systems

Gupta, Ram S.
/ Ram S. Gupta.
Long Grove, Ill. : Waveland Press, c2017.
Archives TC145 .G84 2017

Book cover Hydrology & hydraulic systems

Gupta, Ram S.
/ Ram S. Gupta..
Long Grove, Ill. : Waveland Press, c2008.
Archives TC145 .G84 2008

Book coverIntroduction to environmental engineering and science

Gupta, Ram S. 
/ Ram S. Gupta..
Rockville, Md.: ABS Consulting/Government Institutes, c2004.
Archives GE105 .G865 2004 

Book cover Principles of structural design : wood, steel, and concrete

 Gupta, Ram S. 
/ Ram S. Gupta..
Boca Raton: CRC Press, c2011.
Archives TA633.G87 2011   

Hendrickson, Brian
/ Brian Hendrickson
Middletown, DE: Swimming with Elephants Press, 2014
Archives PS3608.E53 O4 2014

Book cover Aesthetics & the philosophy of spirit : from Plotinus to Schelling and Hegel

Hendrix, John
/ John Shannon Hendrix.
New York : Peter Lang, c2005.
Archives B693.Z7 H43 2005

Book Cover Architectural forms and philosophical structures

Hendrix, John
/ John Shannon Hendrix.
New York: Peter Lang, c2003.
Archives NA2500 .H36 2003

Book cover Architecture and psychoanalysis : Peter Eisenman and Jacques Lacan

Hendrix, John
/ John Shannon Hendrix.
New York : Peter Lang, c2006.
Archives NA2543.P85 H46 2006 

Book cover Architecture and the unconscious

Hendrix, John
/ Edited byJohn Shannon Hendrix and Loren Eyan Holm.
Farnham, Surrey : Ashgate Publishing Limited, c2016.
Archives NA2540.A6123 2016 

Book cover Architecture as cosmology : Lincoln Cathedral and English Gothic architecture

Hendrix, John
/ John Shannon Hendrix.
New York: Peter Lang, c2011.
Archives NA5471.L7 H46 2011 

Book cover Bishop Robert Grosseteste and Lincoln Cathedral : tracing relationships between medieval concepts of order and built form

Hendrix, John
/ edited by Nicholas Temple, John Shannon Hendrix, and Christian Frost.
Farnham, Surrey, Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2014.
Archives B765.G74 B57 2014 

The contradiction between form and function in architecture

 Hendrix, John
/ John Shannon Hendrix.
Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2013
Archives NA2500 H386 2013 

Book cover The cultural role of architecture : contemporary and historical perspectives

 Hendrix, John
/ edited by Paul Emmons, John Hendrix, and Jane Lomholt. 
Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2012.
Archives NA2543.S6 C79 2012

Book cover History and Culture in Italy

Hendrix, John
/ John Shannon Hendrix.
Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, c2003.
Archives DG809 .H46 2003

Book cover Neoplatonic aesthetics : music, literature & the visual arts

Hendrix, John
/ edited by Liana de Girolami Cheney and John Hendrix.
New York: Peter Lang, c2004.
Archives B517 .N44 2004

Book cover Neoplatonism and the arts

Hendrix, John
/ edited by Liana de Girolami Cheney and John Hendrix.
Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press, c2002.
Archives BH221.I8 N46 2002

Reviews and More

Hendrix, John
/ John Hendrix.
New York: Peter Lang, c2004.
ARCHIVES B398.A4 H46 2004

Book cover The relation between architectural forms and philosophical structures in the work of Francesco Borromini in seventeenth-century Rome

Hendrix, John
/ John Hendrix.
Lewiston, N.Y.: E. Mellen Press, c2002.
Archives NA1123.B6 H43 2002 

Book cover Renaissance theories of vision

Hendrix, John
/ John Hendrix and Charles H. Carman.
Farnham : Ashgate, c2010.
Archives N7430.5 .H46 2010

Hendrix, John
/ John Shannon Hendrix.
Sankt Augustin : Academia Verlag, c2010.
Archives B765.G74 H46 2010 

Book coverUnconscious thought in philosophy and psychoanalysis

 Hendrix, John
/ John Hendrix.
New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2015.
Archives B105.C477 H46 2015   

Johnson, Hume
/ Hume N. Johnson
Amherst, N.Y. :  Cambria Press, 2011.
Archives JL639.A15 J65 2011
Johnson, Hume
/ Hume N. Johnson
Archives BJ1533.S27 J641 2018
Johnson, Hume
/ Hume N. Johnson
Archives BJ1533.S27 J64 2018

Khan, Hasan-Uddin
/ Hasan-Uddin Khan.
Karachi : Liberty Books, 2010
Archives NA1510.73.A54 A4 2010

Khan, Hasan-Uddin
/Hasan-Uddin Khan ; with essays by Sherban Cantacuzino and Charles Correa.
Singapore : Concept Media ; New York: Aperture, c1987.
Archives NA1510.C6 C671 1987

Khan, Hasan-Uddin
/ Hasan-Uddin Khan.
K{232}oln [Germany] ; New York: Taschen, 1995.
Archives NA1460 .K48 1995

Book The contemporary mosque : architects, clients, and designs since the 1950scover

Khan, Hasan-Uddin 
/ Renata Holod and Hasan-Uddin Khan ; with the assistance of Kimberly Mims.
New York : Rizzoli, 1997.
Archives NA4670 .H65 1997

Khan, Hasan-Uddin 
/ edited by Hasan-Uddin Khan ; with Julian Beinart and Charles Correa.
[Ahmedabad] : Mapin Publishing ; Ocean Township, NJ : Grantha Corporation ; Easthampton, MA : Distributed in North America by Antique Collectors' Club, 2009
Archives NA1053 J4 L375 2009

Book cover International style : modernist architecture from 1925 to 1965

Khan, Hasan-Uddin
/ Hasan-Uddin Khan.
Koln [Germany] ; New York: Taschen, c1998.
Archives NA682.I58 .H35 1998

Khan, Hasan-Uddin
/ Hasan-Uddin Khan.
New York: Rockefeller Foundation, c1997.
Archives N7265 .M63 1997

Khan, Hasan-Uddin
/ edited by Martin Frishman and Hasan-Uddin Khan ; texts by Mohammad Al-Asad [and others].
New York : Thames and Hudson, c1994.
Archives NA4670 .M67 1994

Leavitt, Dale F.
/ Scott J. Soares, Joesph [sic] K. Buttner and Dale F. Leavitt.
[North Dartmouth, Mass.? : Northeastern Regional Aquaculture Center?], c2001
Archives SH11 M4 S63 2001

Leavitt, Dale F.
/ [principal investigators Fenna Hanes, Lance Stweart, Ann Whitney ... authors Richard Audet [and others]]..
Boston : New England Board of Higher Education, c2002
Achives SH153.5 N55 E9 2002

Book cover Kuba

Leuchak, Rebecca
/ Rebecca Leuchak
New York: Rosen Pub. Group, 1998.
Archives DT650.K83 L48 1998 

Book cover Vulnerability and the art of protection

 MacPhee, Marybeth J.
/ Marybeth J. Macphee
Durham, N.C.:  Carolina Academic Press, 2012
Archives RA418.3.M77 M34 2012

Book cover The complete mandolinist : a comprehensive method

Mair, Marilynn
/ by Marilynn Mair.
Pacific: Mel Bay, cop. 2008.
Archives MT608 .M37 2008

Reviews and More

Marlowe, Bruce A.
/ Bruce A. Marlowe, Marilyn L. Page.
Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin Press, c2005.
Archives LB1590.3 .M37 2005

Book cover Educational foundations : an anthology of critical readings

Marlowe, Bruce A.& Canestrari, Alan S. 
/ edited by Alan S. Canestrari, Bruce A. Marlowe.
Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, c2004.
Archives LC196 .E393 2004

Book coverEducational psychology in context : readings for future teachers

Marlowe, Bruce A.&Canestrari, Alan S. 
/ editors, Bruce A. Marlowe, Alan S. Canestrari.
Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, c2006.
Archives LB1051 .E3625 2006

Canestrari, Alan S. & Marlowe, Bruce A.
/ editors, Bruce A. Marlowe, Alan S. Canestrari.
Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell, 2018.
Archives LC196 .W558 2018

Marshall, Philip
/ Christopher Cain, Frances Brawley, Historic Preservation Program, Department of History, University of Vermont.
Wheeler, VT (Wheeler House, University of Vermont, Burlington 05405): The
Program, c1980.
Archives NA735.B85 B87 1980

Martin, Jeffrey Brown
/ Jeffrey Brown Martin.
Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI Research Press, c1985.
Archives PS3515.E18 Z76 1985

Book cover After early intervention, then what? : teaching struggling readers in grades 3 and beyond

McCormack, Rachel L. 
/ Rachel L. McCormack, Jeanne R. Paratore, editors.
Newark, Del: International Reading Association, c2003.
Archives LB1050.5 A36 2003

Book cover Classroom literacy assessment : making sense of what students know and do

McCormack, Rachel L. 
/ Rachel L. McCormack, Jeanne R. Paratore, editors.
New York : The Guilford Press, c2007.
Archives LB1576 .C53 2007

Book cover Teaching reading : strategies and resources for grades K-6

McCormack, Rachel L. & Pasquarelli, Susan Lee
/ Rachel L. McCormack, Susan Lee Pasquarelli.
New York: Guilford Press, c2010.
Archives LB2844.1.R4 M35 2010

Reviews and More

McCormack, Rachel L.
/ Jeanne R. Paratore and Rachel L. McCormack.
New York : Guilford Press, c2005.
Archives LB1573 .P217 2005

Book Cover Developing Non-Hierarchical Leadership on Campus: Case Studies and Best Practices in Higher Education. The Greenwood Educators' Reference Collection.

McMahon, Kathleen 
/ edited by Charles L. Outcalt, Shannon K. Faris, and Kathleen N. McMahon; Foreword by Alexander W. Astin.
Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2001.
Archives LB2806 .D437 2001 

Book cover We are what we remember : the American past through commemoration

 Meriwether, Jeffrey Lee & D'Amore, Laura Mattoon 
/ edited by Jeffrey Lee Meriwether and Laura Mattoon D'Amore.
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012
Archives E179 W437 2012 

Book cover Democratic Repairman : The Political Life of J. Howard McGrath

Mulligan, Debra A.

Jefferson, North Carolina : McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, [2019]
Archives E748.M14857 M85 2018 

Book coverTeaching with multimedia : pedagogy in the websphere

 O'Connell, Roxanne M.
/ edited by Roxanne M. O'Connell.
Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, c2010-.
Archives LB1028.55 T43 2010 v.1
Archives LB1028.55 T43 2010 v.2 

Book cover Taking fire : saving Captain Aikman, a story of the Vietnam air war

 O'Rourke, Kevin 
/ Kevin O'Rourke
Havertown, Pennsylvania : Casemate, 2013
Archives UG633 O76 2013 

Book cover  Passport to Chang

 Pasquarelli, Susan Lee & Cole, Robert A.

edited by Susan Lee Pasquarelli, Robert A. Cole, and Michael J. Tyson ; foreword by Hilary Landorf.                                                   Sterling, Virginia. : Stylus Publishing, LLC, 2018.
Archives LB2376 .P36 2018

Book cover Teaching reading : strategies and resources for grades K-6

Pasquarelli, Susan Lee &McCormack, Rachel L. 
/ Rachel L. McCormack, Susan Lee Pasquarelli.
New York: Guilford Press, c2010.
Archives LB2844.1.R4 M35 2010

Book cover Teaching writing genres across the curriculum : strategies for middle school teachers

Pasquarelli, Susan Lee
/ edited by Susan Lee Pasquarelli.
Greenwich, Conn.: IAP - Information Age Pub., c2006.
Archives LB1631 .T343 2006 

Book cover Gentrifier

 Patch, Jason
/ John Joe Schlichtman, Jason Patch, and Marc Lamont Hill.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017.
Archives HT170 .S34 2017 

Book cover The Rebel Wife

 Polites, Taylor
/ Taylor Polites.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 2012.
Archives PS3616.O56756 R43 2012 

Book cover Environmental news in South America : conflict, crisis and contestation

Prado, Paola
/ Juliet Pinto, Paola Prado, J. Alejandro Tirado-Alcaraz.
London, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
ARCHIVES P96.E572 S69 2017 

Book cover Decentering discussions on religion and state : emerging narratives, challenging perspectives

Quezada-Grant, Autumn
/ edited by Sargon George Donabed and Autumn Quezada-Grant.
Lanham, Maryland : Lexington Books, 2015.
Archives BL65.S8 D43 2015

Book coverConsuming Bollywood : gender, globalization and media in the Indian diaspora

Ram, Anjali
/ Anjali Ram
New York: Peter Lang, 2014.
Archives PN1993.5 I8 R285 2014 

Book coverPhilosophy and film : bridging divides

Rawls, Christina
edited by Christina Rawls, Diana Neiva, and Steven S. Gouveia.
New York, NY : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.
Archives PN1995 .P49925 2019 

Book cover Story like you mean it : how to build and use your personal narrative to illustrate who you really are

Rebelo, Dennis
Rebelo, Dennis
Austin, Texas : Lioncrest Publishing, 2021.
Archives PN145 .R42 2021

Book cover How the Internet is changing the practice of politics in the Middle East : political protest, new social movements, and electronic samizdat

Roberts, Joseph W. 
/ Joseph W. Roberts
Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 2009
Archives HN656 A8 R63 2009 

Book cover An ethnography of gun violence prevention activists : "we are thinking people"

Rothschild, Teal
Teal Rothschild.
Lanham: Lexington Books, 2018
Archives HV7436 .R675 2018

Reviews and More

Schreffler, Sandra 
/ Mary Ellen Kiddle, Brenda Wegmann, Sandra Schreffler.
[S.l.] : Heinle & Heinle: Thomson Learning, c2002.
Archives PC4117 .K5 2002 

Book cover Directions for leaving : photographs, 1971-2006

Silverthorne, Jeffrey
/ Jeffrey Silverthorne ; essay by Annie Proulx.
Copenhagen : Fotografisk Center, c2007.
Archives TR647 .S528 2007

Silverthorne, Jeffrey
/ Jeffrey Silverthorne
Montreuil: Editions de l'Oeil, [2013].
Archives TR575 .S54 2013

Silverthorne, Jeffrey
/ Jeffrey Silverthorne
Stuttgart, Germany: Galerie A ; Oak Park, MI : Book Beat Gallery, [1993].
Archives TR647 .S478 1993

Silverthorne, Jeffrey
/ Jeffrey Silverthorne
Groningen : Het Noorderlicht, Uitgeverij 2011
Archives TR647 .S478 2011 c.2 

Book cover Respect on campus in an age of growing disrespect

Skolnikoff, Jessica
/ edited by Robert Engvall and Jessica Skolnikoff.
Lanham, Maryland : Lexington Books, [2019]
LC203 .R47 2019 

Book cover Young athletes, couch potatoes, and helicopter parents : the productivity of play

 Skolnikoff, Jessica
/ edited by Robert Engvall and Jessica Skolnikoff.
Lanham: Rowman& Littlefield, 2014.
Archives GV709.2 S495 2014

Book cover The slaves of liberty : freedom in Amite County, Mississippi, 1820-1868

Smith, Dale Edwyna
Dale Edwyna Smith.
New York: Garland Pub., 1999.
Archives F347.A5 S64 1999 

Book cover A Brief Guide to Autism Treatments

 Spritz, Becky L.
/ Elisabeth Hollister Sandberg and Becky L. Spritz.
London, Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2013
Archives RJ506.A9 S26 2013

Book cover A clinician's guide to normal cognitive development in childhood

 Spritz, Becky L.
/ edited by Elisabeth Hollister Sandberg and Becky L. Spritz.
New York: Routledge, 2010
Archives BF723.C5 C55 2010

Stein, Joshua B.
/ Joshua B. Stein.
Missoula, Mont.: Published by Scholars Press for Brown University, c1977.
Archives BM755.M58 S75 

Book cover Commentary on the constitution from Plato to Rousseau

Stein, Joshua B. 
/ Joshua B. Stein.
Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books, c2011
Archives KF4552 .S745 2011

Stein, Joshua B. 
/ Joshua B. Stein.
Boston, Mass.: Pearson Custom Publishing, c2006.
Archives E303 .S73 2006

Stein, Joshua B. & Tackach, James 
/ James Tackach and Joshua B. Stein.
New York: Cresent Books: distributed by Outlet Book Company, c1992.
Archives GV879.5 .T32 1992

Stein, Joshua B. 
/ edited by Joshua B. Stein.
Lanham : University Press of America, c1988.
Archives BM755.M58 A4 1988

Stein, Joshua B.
/ Joshua B. Stein.
Selinsgrove: Susquehanna University Press ; London ; Cranbury, NJ : Associated University Presses, c1992.
Archives DS149 .S659 1992 

Book cover Religion and the state : Europe and North America in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

Stein, Joshua B., and Sargon G. Donabed
/ [edited by] Joshua B. Stein and Sargon G. Donabed.
Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2012.
Archives BR735 .R443 2012 

book cover Preservation education : sharing best practices and finding common ground

Stiefel, Barry
/ edited by Barry L. Stiefel and Jeremy C. Wells.
Hanover : University Press of New England, 2014
Archives CC135 .P715 2014

Book cover The Abolition of American Slavery

Tackach, James
/ James Tackach.
San Diego, CA: Lucent Books, c2002.
Archives E499.T13 2002

book cover The Abolitionist Movement

Tackach, James
/  James Tackach.
Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, c2005.
Archives E441 .A26 2005 

Book cover The Battle of Gettysburg

 Tackach, James
/ J James Tackach.
San Diego, Calif. : Greenhaven Press, c2002.
Archives E475.53. B34 2002

Reviews and More

Tackach, James
/ James Tackach.
San Diego, CA: Lucent Books, c1998.
Archives KF228.B76 T33 1998

Reviews and More

Tackach, James
/  James Tackach.
San Diego, Calif. : Greenhaven Press, c2001.
Archives E185.61 .T17 2001

Reviews and More

Tackach, James
/  James Tackach, editor.
San Diego: Greenhaven Press, c2004.
Archives E468 .C614 2004 

Book Cover Early Black Reformers

 Tackach, James
/ James Tackach, editor.
San Diego : Greenhaven Press, c2003.
Archives E184 .E28 2003

Book cover The Emancipation Proclamation : abolishing slavery in the South

Tackach, James
/ James Tackach.
San Diego, CA: Lucent Books, c1999.
Archives E453 .T14 1999

Tackach, James & Stein, Joshua B. 
/ James Tackach and Joshua B. Stein. 
New York: Cresent Books: distributed by Outlet Book Company, c1992.
Archives GV879.5 .T32 1992

Tackach, James
/ James Tackach.
New York, NY: Smithmark, c1991.
Archives TX909 .T33 1991

Tackach, James
/ Jack Kavanagh and James Tackach.
New York: Gallery Books, 1989.
Archives GV697.A1 K38 1989

Book cover Hank Aaron

Tackach, James
/ Jim Tackach ; introduction by Jim Murray ; senior consultant Earl Weaver.
New York: Chelsea House, c1992.
Archives GV865.A25 T33 1991

Tackach, James
/ James Tackach.
New York : Portland House : Distributed by Crown Publishers, 1990.
Archives E159 .T32 1990

Book cover James Baldwin

Tackach, James
/ James Tackach.
San Diego, CA : Lucent Books, c1997.
Archives PS3552.A45 Z915 1997 

Book cover Lincoln and the Natural Environment

Tachach, James
/James Tackach.
Carbondale : Southern Illinois University Press, [2019]
ARCHIVES E457.2 .T125 2019

Book cover Lincoln's moral vision : the second inaugural address

Tackach, James
/ James Tackach.
Jackson : University Press of Mississippi, c2002.
Archives E457.94 1865 .T32 2002

Book cover Roy Campanella

Tackach, James
/ James Tackach.
New York: Chelsea House Publishers, c1991.
Archives GV865.C3 T33 1991

Book Cover Slave Narratives

Tackach, James
/ James Tackach, editor.
San Diego, CA. : Greenhaven Press, c2001.
Archives PS366.A35 S57 2001

Book cover The trial of John Brown, radical abolitionist

Tackach, James
/ James Tackach.
San Diego, Calif. : Lucent Books, c1998.
Archives E451 .T117 1998

Book cover Uncle Tom's cabin : indictment of slavery

Tackach, James
/ James Tackach.
San Diego, CA : Lucent Books, c2000.
Archives PS2954.U6 T34 2000

Book cover Using webquests in the social studies classroom : a culturally responsive approach

Thombs, Margaret M.& Canestrari, Alan S. 
/ Margaret M. Thombs, Maureen M. Gillis, Alan S. Canestrari.
Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Corwin Press, c2009.
Archives H62.3 .T46 2009

Thompson, Bruce J.
Abdellatif Laa虃bi (Author) Peter Thompson (Translator)(Editor)
Shelburne Falls, Mass. : Dialogos Books, 漏2022
Archives PQ3989.2 .L23 A614 2022

Book cover HIV and social work : a practitioner's guide

Thompson, Bruce J.
/ David M. Aronstein, Bruce J. Thompson, Editors.
New York : Haworth Press, c1998.
Archives RA644.A25 H5788 1998 

Book cover ... and the spring is veiled over = ... et se voile le printemps

Thompson, Peter
/ Mohamed Loakira ; translated by Peter Thompson ; original artwork by Bouchta El Hayani.
Di谩logos Books, 2017
Archives PQ3989.2.L58 E713 2017   

Thompson, Peter
/ Rita El Khayat ; edited and translated by Peter Thompson.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2018.
Archives PQ3989.2.E366 .L514 2018
Thompson, Peter
/ Peter Thompson.
Shelburne Falls, Mass. : Dialogos Books, 2012
Archives PS3539 H6778 A53 2012

book cover An English translation of Le虂on-Paul Fargue's Poe虉mes

 Thompson, Peter
/ translated and introduced by Peter S. Thompson.
Lewiston, N.Y.: E. Mellen Press, 2003.
Archives PQ2611.A66 P613 2003 

Thompson, Peter
/ Tchicaya U Tam'si ; translated by Peter Thompson.
New Orleans : Dia虂logos Books, 漏2021.
Archives PQ3989.A68 v4613 2021

Thompson, Peter
/ Peter Thompson.
Chicago : Running Wild Press, 2022
ARCHIVES PS3539.H6778 B83 2022

Thompson, Peter
/ Nabile Fare虁s ; translated by Peter Thompson.
Di谩logos, 2012.
ARCHIVES PQ2666.A68 E813 2012. 

Book cover Exile : Women's Turn, a poem of East and West

Thompson, Peter
/ Nabile Fare虁s ; translated by Peter Thompson.
Di谩logos, 2017.
ARCHIVES PQ2666 .A68 E913 2017

Thompson, Peter
/ Abdelkader Djemai虉 ; translated by Peter Thompson.
New Orleans: Di谩logos, 2015.
Archives PQ3989.2.D5744 N4913 2015

Book cover Hearing your story : songs of history and life for sand roses : a trilingual text for the Sahrawi people

Thompson, Peter 
/ Nabile Fare虁s ; English translation by Peter Thompson.
New Orleans, LA : Uno Press, c2008.
Archives PQ2666.A68 E72 2008

Thompson, Peter
/ edited by Peter S. Thompson.
Concord, MA: Wayside Publishing, 2014.
Archives PN6109.7 N44 2014 

Thompson, Peter
Nabile Fare虁虁s ; translated by Peter Thompson.
New Orleans: Uno Press, 2010.
Archives PQ2666 A68 P313 2010

Thompson, Peter
/ Peter Thompson, translator.
[Place of publication not identified] : Dia虂logos, 漏2019.
Archives PQ3989.2.L23 P4713 2019

Book cover Red earth/Late虂rite

Thompson, Peter
/ Ve虂ronique Tadjo ; translated by Peter S. Thompson.
Spokane, Wash.: Eastern Washington University Press, c2006.
Archives PQ3989.2.T25 L3813 2006

Walking the Earth book cover

Thompson, Peter
/ Amina Sai虉d ; translated by Peter Thompson.
New York : Contra Mundum Press, 2024.
Archives PQ3989.2.S218 M3113 2024


Thompson, Peter
/ Peter Thompson.
New Orlean, LA.: Lavender Ink, 2016
Archives PS3539.H6778 W56 2016

Book cover A doubtful and perilous experiment : advisory opinions, state constitutions, and judicial supremacy

Topf, Mel A.
/ Mel A. Topf.
New York : Oxford University Press, c2011
ARCHIVES KF4579.A38 T67 2011 

Book cover Anti-Blackness at school : creating affirming educational spaces for African American students

Ullucci, Kerri
/ Joi A. Spencer and Kerri Ullucci.
New York : Teachers College Press, 2022.
ARCHIVES LC2731 .S746 2022

Varano, Sean P.
/ Craig D. Uchida, Marc L. Swatt, Shellie E. Solomon, Sean P. Varano.
Lanham, Maryland : Lexington Books, 2015
ARCHIVES HV6795.M48 U34 2015

Villalard, Martine
/ Sally L. Taylor and Martine Villalard.
New London, Conn. : The Connecticut Arboretum, 1985.
Archives QK571.5.C6 T39 1985

Villalard-Bohnsack, Martine
/ Martine Villalard-Bohnsack.
Kingston, RI: Rhode Island Natural History Survey, 2003.
Archives QK570.2 V54 2003 

Book cover Building in the garden : the architecture of Joseph Allen Stein in India and California

White, Stephen
/ Stephen White.
Delhi ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1993.
Archives NA737.S638 W45 1993 

Book cover You are You

Wilson, Clancie Freeman
/  Clancie Freeman Wilson.
Bloomington, Ind.: AuthorHouse, 2009.
Archives PZ7.W55 Y5 2009

Book cover Eugenics and education in America : institutionalized racism and the implications of history, ideology, and memory

Winfield, Ann Gibson
/ Ann Gibson Winfield.
New York: Peter Lang, c2007.
Archives LC212.2 .W56 2007 

Book cover Legal studies capstone : assessing your undergraduate education

Wright, Tucker
/Nance Kriscenski, Tucker Wright. New York: Delmar, 2012.
Archives KF273 K74 2012