Ashlyn McCarthy: Online Learning During COVID-19

Major: Public Relations
Graduation date: May 2021
Hometown: Long Meadow, MA
How are you managing the switch from in-person to online learning? I’m doing well. I’ve found that the big thing for me is to stay organized. I’m planning out my days, and set a daily schedule for myself. I’m using my calendar app a lot more than I used to, and I set a lot of reminders for myself. Learning online is very different, it’s a lot of work, and requires a team effort, but I just remind myself that we’re all in this together.
Have the library’s resources helped you with your coursework during the COVID-19 crisis? Yes, definitely. I use the a lot to access articles, and was happy to learn about the free online textbooks that are available through VitalSource.
What more can the library do to help students during this time? Just staying in touch is important. Information about available resources is very helpful, but it’s equally important for students to know that they are missed.
How are you keeping your spirits up? I’m trying to keep things as normal as possible. I keep in touch with my friends and work hard to stay positive.
Are you reading anything right now? I just read Know My Name by Chanel Miller. Chanel was sexually assaulted, and her book is an account of the process that victims of sexual assault are forced to endure. Chanel shares her emotions in a very genuine way. It’s a powerful book.
Who has influenced you most in your life? That would be my older brother, Connor. I’ve learned a lot from him and have basically followed in his footsteps. I respect his opinions, and consider him one of my most valuable resources. I’ve been able to avoid a lot of mistakes by listening to his advice and watching how he navigates through life.
What do you want to do after graduation? I’m interested in staying in RI and working for a non-profit organization.
Have you learned any valuable life lessons during this time? Yes, I’ve learned how important it is to enjoy the little things, they really are what make life worthwhile. Also, be careful not to wish your life away, instead, try to stay in the moment.
Has going through this time changed you? Yes! It’s caused me to grow up. It takes a lot of motivation to stay on track and not lose hope, but I’m staying positive and know that we will all get through this together!
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